Friday, March 05, 2010

Crossing Swords

Guy Ritchie is up to direct one of the completing flicks re-imagining the Excalibur legend says Pajiba.

The project is not to be confused with the remake of John Boorman’s 1981 movie Excalibur. also in development at the studio and which Bryan Singer has been attached to. That project is still in very early development and without a script or writer attached.

This "Excalibur" is based on a kitchy treatment by comic author Warren Ellis which is said to be "more in the tone of Star Wars".

Unlike other Arthurian adaptations, this one is "very specifically about the gathering of the Knights". A writer is being sought to turn Ellis' treatment into a full script.

The project will likely go forward after Ritchie finishes work on the Sherlock Holmes Sequel .

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