Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dark Eclipse?

Spokes folks for Summit Entertainment have responded to reports about the upcoming The Twilight Saga: Eclipse requiring extensive reshoots.

LaineyGossip reported yesterday that Summit was quietly assembling the crew and cast to reconvene in Vancouver for to reshoot "key scenes" and "a few fight sequences".

Pickups and minor reshoots are relatively common in the film biz especially for big pics

The site mentions around a week of reshoots were required, though that would be compressed into three 18-hour days to accommodate Robert Pattinson's schedule.

More alarming to Twilighters were claims that director David Slade was potentially not going to be involved as he had run into "creative differences" with the studio. As a result previous series helmers Chris Weitz and Catherine Hardwicke were being reached out to as potential replacements in the director's chair.

Summit quickly responded by telling IndieWire that the reshoots had been planned for months and the studio itself thinks 'Eclipse' "may be the best of the three so far".

We'll know for sure when the sequel opens in June on the 30th

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