
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Great Scott

With just over 40 hours to go until the launch of Jason Mayer's thriller The Pendant (trailer)... TLR presents another guest film review from the helmer--this time he's talking about Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World...

I've been following Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World for about a little over a year now. I remember hearing about it and then heard that Edgar Wright was directing. Before the movie, there's a graphic novel of the same title. I'm not a huge graphic novel person but will read some. Never got a chance to read Scott Pilgrim. Months went by and pictures kept being put up on Edgar's site. The pictures were looking better and better and cooler and cooler.

Michael Cera was looking like a cool fighter, pictures of Mary Elizabeth Winstead were being put up and she hasn't done something big since Tarantino's Death Proof

As the months went by and I got busier I lost track of the movies updates. A few months back my mind got refreshed all over again. The official trailer hit net waves and my interest gained up all over again. I'm a huge fan of Edgar Wright and site him as one of my favorite directors. The guys work is just flattering. Scott Pilgrim is perfectly directed. Planned out to the T.

On Friday the 13th of August...I woke up and was pretty much bored so I took a trip to the movies by myself. Grabbed some pretzel bites [yum!--T] and took a seat in the theater. It wasn't packed nor was it really busy at all. There might of been twenty people in the theater? Bummer. The movie starts and the previews weren't nothing to brag about...although "Devil" trailer with surround sound and on the big screen...looked more interesting.

The movie starts and I'm already enjoying it. They turned the Universal Pictures logo into an 8bit look and had midi style music as the studio's theme song. It was funny and different. Then the movie begins. Right from the bat you can tell Edgar Wright directed the movie. The quick edits, the useful dialogue before you get into the first minute of the movie. And of course the raging music that goes with it all.

Keep in mind...I'm not a gamer. I don't play video games nor do I even own any system...I recently got rid of my Genesis. If that clarifies how much I keep up to date with video game technology. The whole movie is pretty much like Tekken or Streets of Rage with a love story. I fell in love with the movie. And I don't even like video games!

The directing was perfectly planned shot for was really unique. The acting was on point from Michael Cera to Brandon Routh. The movie was very very impressive.


Thank you sir!

Meanwhile--I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who expressed concern over my injury! Most kind! I will know more in about 8 hours or so where I go next.... and in turn update you...

....There's one more blog post to go before the big event on Thursday...Kinda of a final thoughts message from me as well as some random bits....

Stay Tuned....

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