Monday, August 01, 2011

Norris & Travolta Are Expendable

The Playlist reports that Chuck Norris and John Travolta are being eyed to kick some butt in The Expendables 2.

Sylvester Stallone Bruce Willis, Jet Li, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mickey Rourke and Jason Statham are expected to return for the action pic.

Plot deets are scarce but claims are that Willis and JCVD are the bad guys this time 'round

Con Air's Simon West, will be replacing Stallone as director while Sly acts in the sequel.

Producer David Varod, CEO at Nu Boyana Studios, told website Novinite,“I believe the sequel will be better than the first movie."

"The Expendables" sequel will being shooting in Bulgaria in September for an August 17th, 2012 bow

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