Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cameras Roll On "The Legend Of Barney Thomson"

The Hollywood Reporter says that Emma Thompson, Ray Winstone and Robert Carlyle will star in the horror comedy The Legend of Barney Thomson (aka The Long Midnight Of Barney Thomson).

The film is an adaption of author Douglas Lindsay’s Barney Thomson novels about a downtrodden Glaswegian barber who inadvertently stumbles into serial murder.

 Brian Pettifer, Tom Courtenay, Martin Compston, James Cosmo, Ashley Jensen, Kevin Guthrie and Stephen McCole also star.

Colin McLaren and Richard Cowan wrote the adapted screenplay from which Carlyle is making his directorial debut.
John G. Lenic and Kaleena Kiff Brian Coffey, Holly Bryson and Cowan are going to produce the film.

Principal photography has begun in the UK

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