Friday, June 06, 2014

Djimon Hounsou Pegs Role In Yates' "Tarzan" Redux

Djimon Hounsou ("Amistad" "Guardians of the Galaxy") has joined the cast of the briefly stalled--now back on with director David Yates re-imagining of Edgar Rice Burroughs "Tarzan" at Warner Bros says Deadline.

"True Blood" star Alexander Skarsgård is due to play the loin cloth wearing vine-swinger.The Wolf of Wall Street actress Margot Robbie will play Jane. She won the role beating out  Emma Stone and Jessica Chastain.

Hounsou will play a character named Chief Mbonga in the film

Jamie Foxx was being wooed for the third lead role--Civil War veteran and former mercenary George Washington Williams.--a part that Samuel L. Jackson will now play.Christoph Waltz ("Django Unchained," "Inglourious Basterds") will play bad guy Captain Rom, a Belgian soldier who wants to capture Tarzan in exchange for diamonds.

Adam Cozad penned the most recent script draft.

Jerry Weintraub and Alan Riche will produce the film.

Production takes place this Summer for a 2015 release.

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