Tuesday, June 03, 2008

RIP Robert H Justman (1926 –2008)

It's been a sad time to be a fan of Star Trek...

Robert H. Justman, a producer on both Star Trek-Thr Original Seties and "Star Trek: The Next Generation died at his home in Los Angeles last Wednesday from complications due to Parkinson's Disease; Justman was 81.

TNG executive producer, Rick Berman said of Justman:

I can’t tell you how nurturing this guy was to me. He was like a mentor and a father. He was extraordinary. Justman designed sets, models and visual effects and oversaw character and script development for the debut of “The Next Generation.”

Justman worked as an assistant director on films The Big Combo (1955), Kiss Me Deadly (1955), The Big Knife (1955) and Attack (1956) among others. He was in front of the camera once as an actor. Justman appeared as the "Elder of Luminos" in the "A Feasibility Study" episode of another classic sci-fi series The Outer Limits.

Leonard Nimoy-who played Spock in TOS said in a message to the fans sent in to TrekMovie.com:

In quick succession we have lost Joseph Pevney who was one of the best directors of Star Trek episodes along with Marc Daniels who passed some time ago. Both brought a rich theatricality to the work which made their episodes shine.

We have also lost Bob Justman who was a treasure to me. He would listen wisely, with an honest ear, and respond helpfully whenever there were creative differences of opinion. Also
Alexander Courage who wrote the, now, unforgettable original theme music.

All made major contributions for which we can all be thankful.

It's a shame that Justman didn't live long enough to see the next Star Trek film since it will spend a lot of time in TOS era...

Read Justman's LA Times Obituary for more on his life and career...

I conclude with a simple "Thank You"...

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