Friday, January 09, 2009

Living In The Shadow

Writer/director David S. Goyer told the IESB that all the DC Universe properties currently in development at Warner Bros. have been put on hold for the time being.

"A lot of the DC movies at Warner Brothers are all on hold while the figure out, they're going to come up with some new plan, methodology, things like that so everything has just been pressed pause on at the moment. It was the double header of both Iron Man and The Dark Knight coming out, so more than ever I think they've realized, I think DC was responsible for 15% of Warner Brother's revenue this year, something crazy like that, so they realized that comic books, it's become a new genre, one of the most successful genres."

The reason behind the pause?

Garth Franklin of Dark Horizons suggests: The studio could be plotting a strategy much like Marvel is doing with its slate...

If they indeed follow that path they just admitted defeat in the ongoing movie rivalry between the 2 publishers and always seem a step behind...

I didn't know flicks based on comics were a "new" thing...

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