Blunt is now officially unavailable to star in the Iron Man 2, as Russian super spy Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow.
Blunt says "It's a little disappointing is all I can say."
She is looking forward to Travels though. "Because I just have to do this Fox movie, and it's fine and I'm gonna have fun. The whole beginning of the year has been rather dramatic, so I'd just rather go in with fresh eyes and know that I've made the right decision. You just don't know until it's all finished..."
Read more at Aceshowbiz...
I for one am disappointed Blunt won't be playing BW...
As for Mickey Rourke playing the villain, all Favreau said is he "isn't officially cast but that he is a fan." Translation: It's a question of cash...
Meantime, Robert Downey Jr.. says they're still "slaving away on a hot script" for the sequel
Finally--What $ issues?
Variety reported Sam L Jackson has inked a long-term deal to play Nick Fury in multiple Marvel films.
Jackson's commitment to play Fury the leader of the espionage unit S.H.I.E.L.D., has an option in it to play the character in nine future superhero flicks.
These are expected to include "Iron Man 2 Captain America, Thor The Avengers and "The Shield" flick in the works as well as any potential sequels.
Jackson did not like Marvel's first offer to reprise his role which he played during a post-credits scene in Iron Man
Filming on IM 2 starts Jackson off this spring for release in Summer 2010.