Friday, February 06, 2009

Long Term Plan

From the Alley Insider site:

Time Warner CEO Jeffrey L. Bewkes has hopes that the Batman film series will have as long a life as the studio's other big franchise- the "Harry Potter" films.

We look at Harry Potter. It’s fantastic to have franchises that last that long. We want to do that with Batman and Superman and perhaps Sherlock Holmes. The sequels are as good, with new characters added, as were the originals. That wasn’t the case in the years ago"

Bewkes made the comments during the company's mid-week Q4 earnings call..

More major sequels are in order too - "Warners has more tentpoles as an on-going strategy that very much lifts its distribution and performance. We think that’s going to hold up our slate in the 2009 - 2010 period. We’ve got four more big tentpoles coming this year.”

This commitment sounds good but the reality is director Christopher Nolan's third "Batman" flick, still has quite a few years to go and will most likely be his last.-the Justice League movie and Supes sequels have stalled beyond measure

Meanwhile he adds that the upcoming "Potter", "Terminator", "Holmes" and "Watchmen" are movies "we're deeply excited about."

Despite the rosy outlook and The Dark Knight the studio still had a net loss of $16.03 billion for the period.

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