Pixar Animation Studios latest effort UP has a lot of what audiences have come to expect from their films; Like able and fun characters; And eye-popping animated visuals...That said--UP also has one thing that makes it very unique and different...

Carl Fredricksen (Jeremy Leary) is an introverted little boy who meets an extroverted young girl named Ellie (Elie Docter) Soon they realize that they share a passion for adventures of their hero, famed explorer Charles Muntz (Christopher Plummer). Ellie tells Carl of her dream e to move her clubhouse to Paradise Falls in South America, a promise she makes Carl keep.
As adults Carl (Edward Asner) and Ellie wed in the same house where they first met He makes a living as a toy balloon vendor and she is a zookeeper.
Unable to have children, they try instead to save up for that trip to Paradise Falls. Just as they seem to finally be able to take their trip, Ellie dies of old age, leaving Carl alone, becoming a bitter old man. Soon, the city grows around Carl's house with construction. Carl refuses to move. After confronting a construction worker (Pixar fave John Ratzenberger) over a broken mailbox, the court orders Carl to move into Shady Oaks Retirement Home. He comes up with a scheme to keep his promise to Ellie, and uses his old professional supplies to create a makeshift airship using ten thousand helium balloons which lift his house off its foundations.
Little does he know that Russell, (Jordan Nagai), a Wilderness Explorer trying to earn his "Assisting the Elderly" badge, has stowed away on the porch after being sent on a l snipe hunt by Carl the day before.
After a storm throws them around for a while, they find themselves across a large ravine facing Paradise Falls. With their body weight providing ballast allowing Carl and Russell to pull the floating house, the two begin to walk around the ravine, hoping to reach the falls while there's still enough helium in the balloons to keep the house afloat...

Written and directed by Pete Docter and Bob Peterson, the film will make you laugh cheer and even tug at your emotions a bit--In fact. it's those very adult themes of of loneliness and loss that provided the film's biggest surprise--The trailers for the feature gave absolutely no indication that a film featuring balloons would be--especially in the first half hour so heavy...Nothing wrong with that mind you--just not what I expected from Pixar--And anyone seeing the film with small kids may need to answer some questions afterwards...

Asner an industry legend, is perfect as the voice of Carl....While no one has a voice quite like Plummer....Large birds and mean dogs figure in as well.
UP is a very enjoyabbe trip that in the end--will lift your spirits
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