While there--producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form talked about the progress on two high profile projects.
The sequel to this year's "Friday The 13th" remake (On DVD tomorrow):
"We want to have fun. We want to present something that audiences haven't seen before. One of the things they haven't seen before is Jason in the snow" says Fuller.
The duo said they've no real plans to make the film in 3-D (Thank goodness!) due to cost and time restrictions, but they like the idea. No script is yet in place but if they can get it moving fast enough, they'd like it ready for release on August 13th next year.
The pair also admits that their planned remake of "The Birds" is still very much stuck in development (Thank goodness!).
"We keep trying. I don't know. That is so hard to get the script right. We struggle with it. I won't have anything to say until the script is finished."
Maybe your script issues are a sign that you should leave this one alone guys...
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