The story follows a group of teenagers who form an impromptu insurgency when their town is invaded by Chinese and Russian soldiers.
Peck will play Matt Eckert, the hotheaded younger brother of Jed Eckert (Chris Hemsworth) and star quarterback of their Spokane high school football team.
Palicki will play Tonim a tough fighter the brothers encounter who develops romantic feelings for Jed, a Marine home on leave and the group's unofficial leader.
The updated screenplay was written by Jeremy Passmore and Carl Ellsworth
Dan Bradley, a stunt coordinator and second-unit director on "The Bourne Ultimatum" and "Quantum of Solace" will direct.
Depite my obvious affection for Palicki--I doubt this new version will match the kitchy classic of the 1984.
The film is set to begin principal photography this September, with a September 24, 2010 release date already set.
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