Monday, April 12, 2010

CGI Spandex

/Film reports that according to sources, it's almost for sure we won't be seeing pics of Ryan Reynolds in green spandex from the upcoming comic book pic " Green Lantern"

Why? Well it seems that the costume itself will be entirely computer manufactured. meaning the actor will be decked out in a "grey tracking motion/performance capture suit with led lights".--Ala Billy Crudup in Watchmen

The reason? It seems the story is that costume designer Ngila Dickson (The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond) was challenged with finding a way to create a costume that "stands apart from all of the other superheroes spandex suit designs we’ve seen in the past."

"The Green Lantern suit is something that should look alien — it needs to seem other worldly. It encompasses any creature that wears the ring, and Hal Jordan is the first human to ever wear the suit... Hal changes into the suit multiple times in mid scene, and the CG also allows him to do this... the suit will look like a manifestation of his power."

In theory It sounds good but until I see some evidence of how it looks fingers crossed--if it doesn't "fly" the film's in trouble

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