Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The "Man Of Steel" And Me

Unlike "Star Trek Into Darkness" I will NOT be able to see Zack Snyder's reboot "Man Of Steel" on opening weekend--Two High School Graduations and a friend's wedding happily take priority over Superman's return to the big screen. I hope that I get to see the film within the first week of release. You can bet that as soon as I see the film I will be posting my review...

You may recall that back in December of last year--I foreshadowed some changes for TLR once Trek 2 and MOS were in theaters....To that end I will announce specifics when it's appropriate...All will revealed soon...I promise.

Once my life away from TLR calms down a bit I will covering the slasher-comedy Teachers' Day as well...

In the meantime I need your help to spread the word about TLR! You and your pals follow me @TheLastReel on Twitter and like the Facebook page! Thanks in advance!

Now on to the industry news.

Until next time.

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