...Director Steven Spielberg offers up the first glimpse of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones on the set of the fourth installment...

...Gossiper Page Six claims that William Shatner has been squeezed out of Star Trek XI- As for me, I'm taking everything I read about the film with a grain of salt till we get word from on high.
...Chris Evans recently told the MTV Movies Blog that he wants to see a more grown-up, mature and darker tone for the third flick in the series.-Trust me. The tone of Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer was not the problem
..Kevin Smith interviews Bruce Willis about what it was like bringing back John McClane for Live Free Or Die Hard...Speaking of which Wired Magazine published an article that inspired the sequel's premise
...I actually got all goosebumpy after watching this trailer for the soon to be released 5-disc Blade Runner Final Cut DVD.
...How silly does this sound? There's a report out there that has outline for the next Pirate's will come complete with Jules Verne-esque flying machines, Blackbeard, dinosaurs and Atlantis. Sheesh!!
...This item's been all over the place this week, the folks over at National Lampoon's are indeed, making a comedy called "72 Virgins".
...There's chatter that some of the filming for Zack Snyder's adaptation of Watchmen is gonna be shot in Spain. Cameras begin rolling this fall
...The final one-sheet poster for Transformers is up:

And here's the Variety review by Jay Weissberg
..Will.Cillian Murphy be back as the Scarecrow in The Dark Knight? I sure hope so!
...I can think of no actor better suited than Morgan Freeman to play Mandela. I already smell Oscar buzz
...The final trailer for the Simpsons Movie is here...
Look for more of these type of posts soon...
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