Reports have none other than Brett Ratner (left) in line to take over the project...!
Aint It Cool News was the first site to report the switch and that Wiseman had bowed out of the project. It appears that Ratner was New Line Cinema's first choice to replace Wiseman.
The site IESB.net contacted a source at New Line who confirmed Wiseman's departure.
I'm sorry to see Wiseman leave "New York"--It could have been fun...
What is it with Ratner being ever the replacement on high profile flicks? First, he takes over for Bryan Singer on X-Men: The Last Stand, now this.
As I said before though, the director of the new Escape really doesn't matter--it's success or failure rests with star Gerard Butler...
Wiseman's exit apparently has affected another New Line film in a big way:
IESB further claims that Wiseman won't be directing the studio's Gears of War - The Movie either, as had been reported in August of this year:
Adding--"New Line Cinema will most likely not move forward with (GOW) at all. Our source is saying that the studio has concerns with ballooning budget of the film."
Wow! GOW was a major property for NL--Things must have really gotten bad for the studio to abandon the video game inspired movie all together.
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