Hercules (the big cheese over at Aint It Cool News) claims that, despite all of the talk to the contrary, the Shat is indeed, going to be in the new flick.
During a recent AICN Readers Talkback message board exchange, Herc told everyone not to believe the hype about Shatner not being in movie.
"By the way." He wrote "All publicity about Shatner not playing Old Kirk in the movie is lie. Word to your mother."
In another post, he replied to a skeptical user "I know a whole f#@*& lot about this movie that you do not. Wake up, Trekkie!!!"
Although, I don't have the resources that AICN has to verify such claims. I tend to think this is probably the case. Shatner is too much a part o f the Trek lexicon to be shut out of the new film completely. All involved are either waiting for the right time to announce the news. Or they want to "surprise" us. Yeah good luck with that!
Trekweb points out that AICN was the first site to post the story about the plotline of the film involving Romulans and time travel, and then we find out the villian is a Romulan named Nero so that, the site may indeed have a few inside sources regarding the film.
This is all still just more speculation at this point but the claim of Shatner's appearance has merit.
The original report can be found here.
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