Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Quest For Indy Info

Ray Winstone & Harrison Ford In A Scene From Indy 4

TV Guide caught up with George Lucas, for an interview, where he chats about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull... The subject of Sean Connery not returning as Indy's father came up... The role has been re-written for another character.

Lucas: "It's just a completely different character, so you're not invested in him in any way. The fact that that character, after the first part of the movie, isn't needed doesn't become a problem. Whereas I think with the scene we had, where [Indy] says goodbye to his dad, everybody was, "Wait a minute! Isn't he coming back?" So in the end, I think it turned out for the best. Sean just retired and he wants to stay retired, and I understand that. [Laughs] I think he just said, "Look, I've done it, I've done it." He was very tempted, you know, and we talked for a long time. But in the end, he just said, "Eh, I'm playing golf"

Not having Connery around for Indy's last hurrah isn't "for the best"-Cameo or not.

I wonder yet again: Is Jim Broadbent, who will also appear in the next Harry Potter flick, that "other character"...

Meanwhile Tyler Nelson, an extra on the set in early September squawking to The Edmonton Sun, leaked some GINORMOUS PLOT SPOILERS about what he saw being shot:

"Indiana Jones is blackmailed by the Russian Army as they are both searching for a crucifix skull in the jungles of South America. They threaten to kill Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) take Indy hostage and find the skull. The Russian soldiers celebrate by dancing to balalaika folk music next to a campfire. Indiana is being interrogated inside a tent, where he is strapped to a chair. Cate Blanchett is also now confirmed to play the Russian interrogator."

While this info is great for those of who are itching for any plot details about Indy 4--Uncle George and Papa Steven can't be happy about the leak...

In other Spielberg news: Bad blood, promting a possible Paramount/Dremworks split continues as Paramount preps for possible Spielberg exit and Katzenberg stands behind Spielberg ....Cue the ominous music from composer John Williams...

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