Stax of IGN offers up highlights of discussion:
StarTrek.com posted a transcript of the two actors' appearance. Nimoy will film his role as the elder Spock "starting in December — a month after principal photography begins — and is scheduled for more work in February and March of 2008. Nimoy's role as the older Spock is 'not gigantic,' but, 'it's more than a cameo.'"
Nimoy spoke fondly of Zachary Quinto, the Heroes star who has been cast as the younger Spock in the film. "He does resemble me, I think he's believable as me, younger — but equally important if not even more so, he's a very talented actor, and I'm honored to have him takeover the role of Spock after I'm done," Nimoy said.
Nimoy later admitted, "I don't even know the story very well and I have to find out where Spock is and has been for all these years. I'm not really sure exactly where we are going to pinpoint or plug into Spock's, sort of, character arc. ... And I have to try to examine where he is now, where he exists now, what are his thought processes — is he more logical than he ever was, or less logical than he ever was? Is he more precise, is he calmer, is he more mellow, has he gotten cranky and crusty?"
Regarding Shatner not being in the new film, "I told J.J. Abrams, when he asked my opinion, I told him that I think obviously Star Trek would be better with Bill Shatner as Captain Kirk in it," Nimoy recalled. "Now that's up to him, I'm not making the movie, but that's what I told him."
Shatner joked that fans should contact J.J. Abrams to let them know how upset they are about his Kirk not appearing in the movie. "Write J.J.! Tell him how you feel. ... I'm up for two Emmys!! I'm not in the movie!!! Is he nuts? Yes, he's nuts!"
Forget sci-fi cons, Nimoy and Shatner should go on their own comedy tour! The full transcript is absolutely hilarious! Despite Shat's call for fans to write JJ asking for the script to include Kirk, I think it's gonna happen denials all around notwithstanding--I have no real concrete info to confirm my feelings--it's just a hunch.
Meanwhile, Trek Movie Report, working off a report from Frettabladid, the site claims that at least part of the new film will be shot on location in Iceland. Although principal photography begins this November in Las Angeles...
The Frettabladid source says that shooting is expected take place in Iceland sometime in the Spring, "after things warm up."
Stay Tuned...
Finally, this is a neat little related story:
The New York Post reports that the hit NBC drama Heroes has recruited Nichelle Nichols, better known as Lt. Uhura from the classic "Star Trek" series, to play a grandmother this season...
How Cool Is That? Nichols will be joining fellow classic Trek alum George Takei--who appeared in a few episodes during the show's first season...Nichols will add even more class to an already classy program.
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