Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Strike Day 10

The latest on the strike battlefront:

WGA pickets hit Wall Street

The writers strike -- now in its 10th day with no resolution in sight -- is shaping up as a long and painful one as positions harden with each passing day...

WGA goes 'Picketing With the Stars' Actors turn out en masse to support writers

It's getting really nasty out there (see sign)

Schwarzenegger moves backstage in writers strike

U.K. writers pledge support to WGA

Strike overshadows NATPE confab

Fallout hovers over proceedings

On the TV front--One of my favorite shows--Family Guy-- is making news

Fox to air new 'Guy' Sunday

Seth MacFarlane hopes network changes plans

As a public service--You too can rat out a writer...

Suspect someone of writing? Call (323) 782-4898

Stay Tuned...

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