IESB.net got the ball rolling with more possible plot spoilers for J.J. Abrams' Star Trek reboot:
The key points...
-The Romulans (of the The Next Generation era led by ‘Nero’) use the Guardian of Forever from the 1967 tv episode The City on the Edge of Forever to go back and murder Kirk
-The elder Spock goes back to the past and enlists the help of younger Spock (before he met Kirk) to set things right
-Audience first introduced to Kirk when he is performing the Kobayashi Maru test-first mentioned in film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
This follows along the lines of the initial AICN plot rumors.
TrekMovie.com has confirmed that the plot involves time traveling Romulans and that the Kobayashi Maru scenario will be featured.
Recently a source told the same site that older Spock (and presumably the Romulans) are ‘post-TNG era.’
Let's assume for the sake of discussion that the Guardian info is true--I like the fact that the powers that be are using such an iconic (and controversial) episode to jump off of. As fans of Abrams TV work already know. He loves material that twists, bends, and then some.
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