Saturday, March 25, 2006

Making A List, Checking It Twice

The folks at Premiere Magazine have published a list of the top 100 greatest performances of all time in the April '06 issue.

The primary reason for any "Best" or "Worst" list is to stir up debate. As any list-maker already knows, for everyone who agrees with the choices, there are probably 5 folks who disagree with them.

Get a peek at the list here .

As far as I'm concerned there were some Notable Omissions that should have made the list. And if the website could include another 100 more--why couldn't the hard copy as well?

Gregory Peck's role as Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird
Anthony Perkins as Noman Bates in Psycho
Tom Hanks as Andrew Becket in Philadelphia
Sharon Stone as Catherine Tramell in the original Basic Instinct
Jackie Gleason as Minnesota Fats in The Hustler

I realize a list like this is an exercise in subjectivity and that it had to end somewhere...but to not include the 5 others that I mentioned seems a real shame....

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