Saturday, March 18, 2006

Brought To You By The Letter "V"

I saw V for Vendetta yesterday afternoon... and while I'm working on a complete review of the film to post at some point in the near future (by next week?), I thought I would "jot" down a few of my initial impressions, in the meantime. Think of this post as an appetizer before the main course.

-Hugo Weaving, who was such a big part of The Matrix Trilogy, steals the show as the antagonist/hero V. He certainly brought the masked character to life in ways that I thought impossible

-Despite the fact that during the film's opening hour, every time I saw Natalie Portman as Evey, our heroine, I couldn't help but think "bad British accent", I have to say that in the second half she kinda grew on me.

-Director James McTeigue, along with writers Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski did the original graphic novel justice with this movie. The brothers Wachowski went a long way to redeem themselves here after disappointing most of us with the last two Matrix movies.

-The action of the story was well staged but adding the bullet-like effect from the Matrix to them seemed a bit cheesy here. Couldn't they come up with another way to dramatize the swordplay?

That's it for now...more on the movie soon...

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