Saturday, December 03, 2005

Mountain Range

The December 9th 2005 issue of Entertainment Weekly devotes its cover story to the controversial film Brokeback Mountain.

Directed by
Ang Lee, whose last film, the comic book themed Hulk, got a lukewarm reception from critics and audiences alike. Brokeback Mountain promises to get more people talking that's for sure. The film centers around two married cowboys who fall in love with other and end up in a secret relationship. The article, written by Christine Spines details a bit of the film's history, revealing that at one time Gus Van Sant was keen to helm the picture. The article loves making the point that this movie is a big risk for all involved, including stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, as well as Focus Features, who put up the dough to have the thing made.

While I do agree that their may be more risk involved in making a film like this, I believe the risk is somewhat less than it would have been 10 or 12 years ago. Films like
Philadelphia and TV's "Will & Grace" have made it much easier for Brokeback Mountain. The folks that squirm over the film's subject matter probably won't see it anyway. But as I always say, if the film is good or bad, the public will let you know in short order. The movie opens on December 9th 2005.

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