Sunday, January 27, 2008

Instant Gratification

The big prize of the '08 Sundance Film Festival was handed out last night...

'River' wins grand prize at Sundance

"Frozen River," Courtney Hunt's somber and suspenseful film about two desperate women who smuggle illegals into the United States, won the grand jury prize for dramatic features at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival.

Sony Pictures Classics purchased "Frozen River," trade papers reported, for under $1 million. Juror Quentin Tarantino described the film as "a wonderful depiction of poverty in America."

Congratulations to Ms. Hunt...(pictured)

As things draw ton a close in Park City Utah for another year...

Variety takes a look at how blogs are changed things at this year's festival

Blogosphere taps festival buzz

At Sundance, nail-biting distributors, publicists and filmmakers used to anxiously await the first published reviews, knowing that a positive notice from a major critic could stir or stoke a bidding war for a pic.

This year, it's the ever-proliferating bloggers -- Spout, Cinematical, Movie City News and Hollywood Elsewhere -- that have become the instant barometers for how a film plays.

Congrats also to the blogosphere...whose impact will only grow as next year's SFF rolls around...

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