Jeffrey Kluger of Time Magazine interviewed documentary filmmaker Michael Moore (pictured) for the May 28th issue.
Moore's next film, Sicko (June 29th) takes aim at the U.S. health care system. Here now, is my favorite part of the article:
TIME: Do you think people will accuse the movie of inaccuracy?
MOORE: I offered $10,000 to anybody who could find a single fact in Fahrenheit 9/11 that was wrong.
TIME: Have you had to pay anything?
MOORE: No, of course not. Every fact in my films is true. And yet how often do I have to read over and over again about supposed falsehoods? The opinions in the film are mine. They may not be true, but I think they are.
Every Fact? True? Really? It seems there's plenty of evidence out there, contrary to that declaration.
Fahrenheit 9/11:
"Fifty-Nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11," by Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute
"Unfairenheit 9/11: The lies of Michael Moore," by Christopher Hitchens
Bowling for Columbine:
"Bowling for Columbine: Documentary or Fiction?" by David T. Hardy
"Moore admits to altering 'Bowling for Columbine' DVD" by Brendan Nyhan of SpinSanity.com
"Bowl-o-Drama," by Daniel Lnsyo of Forbes magazine ...
And then there's these gems as well: MooreWatch ... MooreExposed ... "Moore's myriad mistakes," by Bryan Keefer, SpinSanity.com ... Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man by David Hardy and Jason Clarke ...
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Maybe Moore's next film should be about the U.S. Postal Service? It would seem all of those checks, somehow, got lost in the mail. Maybe Moore was afraid he'd get a severe case of writer's cramp...
Here's the Variety review by Alissa Simon--who saw Sicko at Cannes.
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