IGN posts this Watchmen update:
...it's been eerily quiet on the Watchmen front these last few months. But now comes word that the long-awaited screen adaptation of the Alan Moore-Dave Gibbons graphic novel is finally moving forward (again).
According to HollywoodNorthReport.com, the film will lens in Vancouver, British Columbia. The site claims "Watchmen will open up their production offices in June with shooting to begin in mid to late August.
And just in time for tomorrow night's season finale of the hit TV show Heroes...
The New York Post points out how uncomfortably similar this season of Heroes is to the basic plotline of Watchmen. "[Director Zack] Snyder and his bosses are probably more than a little ticked off. For a movie that will cost hundreds of millions, and could star Tom Cruise as Ozymandias if the Hollywood rumor mill is right, it can be galling to see such a pivotal plot twist used elsewhere," the Post speculates.
Right now, I am more upset at the idea Tom Cruise is RUMORED as being considered for Ozymandiaz...
...Which brings us to this:
Remember that casting rumor that my pal William N. Stape, over at Associated Content published about Star Trek XI, in his interview with funny man Patton Oswalt, a few weeks back?
Some media outlets like IESB picked it up getting the story very right....While others like the Boston Globe got things very very wrong...I thought reporters were supposed to fact check their stories? J.J. Abrams is directing the next Trek flick--not Bryan Singer! Sheesh! If the Globe can flub up a story like this so easily--makes me wonder what other news they've messed up on...Sheesh!!
Speaking of Singer, his film, Superman Returns led the Saturn Awards on May 10, taking home five awards, including best fantasy film and best director. Children of Men received the award for best science fiction film.
The Academy of Science Fiction Fantasy & Horror Films presented the 33rd Annual Saturn Awards in a ceremony in Universal City, Calif., hosted by Heroes star Greg Grunberg and Jeffrey Ross
Superman Returns also won awards for best writing, lead actor and music...
The complete list of Saturn winners can be found right here....

The Visual Effects Society (VES) announced the results of its VES 50: The Most Influential Visual Effects Films of All Time, with "Superman-The Movie" making the list.
According to VES exec director Eric Roth, the VES 50 was determined by a vote of VES members and is the backdrop of the 2007 VES Festival of Visual Effects, which will take place the weekend of June 7-10, at the Writers Guild Theater in Beverly Hills.
"We're thrilled to present VES 50. These films have had a significant, lasting impact on the practice and appreciation of visual effects as an integral, artistic element of cinematic expression and the storytelling process," said Roth.
Read more via the Superman Homepage...
I'm thrilled that even after almost 30 years since its debut, STM is still being recognized, as the ground breaking achievement that it was...
Finally, "The Greatest Criminal Mind Of Our Time" takes on The Green Goblin in the continuing Marvel/DC film franchise saga...Villain Edition
Check out the other vids in the series here...
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