Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Max-ed Out

The film Max Payne may have been a hit at the cineplex last weekend...

As for Scott Miller, CEO of 3D Realms which financed and helped produce the video game series he, told Edge Online that he has problems with the flick--seeing "several fundamental story flaws" which had him "shaking my head in bewilderment".

"A big problem with the film is that we do not really know what is driving Max until we see the flashback scene. In the game, we put this scene right at the front of the story for a reason. Saving this scene until mid-film is a narrative blunder, because the audience needs to empathize with Max in order to like him and understand what drives him".

Miller 'thought the character of Max Payne himself fell short of the game series' standards'.

Movies often mix up the narritive on genre films opting instead to jump right into the action...

The reviews for the movie seem to bear out Miller's opinion that the flick's not that good.

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