Sunday, April 04, 2010

Smith Says No Thanks

News comes from the gang at Digital Spy that Will Smith reps have denied reports that the star has signed for two "Independence Day" sequels saying it's "not true at this time"...

At this Time? Does that mean he's "negotiating"

Meantime Smith has turned down an offer to play singer Marvin Gaye for director Cameron Crowe according to Variety and The Playlist

Crowe has been busy securing the music rights and with the full cooperation of Motown founder Berry Gordy, Jr.

Scott Rudin is attached as producer,the biopic is one of three on Gaye in the works around Hollywood

Crowe and Sony must also agree on a film budget

Crowe: "It’s all about getting the contact high in a movie theatre that you can get from music. A record can change your life. Somebody poured their life into that little piece of music. To me that’s a hero."

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