Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Early Word On "Man Of Steel"

Early reaction to Zack Snyder's "Man Of Steel" has been very solid, especially among fanboy critics like me, but the well established critics seem less impressed.

With over 2 dozen reviews brought together thus far its Rotten Tomatoes score is 70% and a 7.5/10 average rating. That average rating is actually one of the best of the year so far, and in line with "Star Trek Into Darkness" which scored a higher tomato-meter rating of 87%.

Over on Metacritic, The pic stands at 60/100.

Reaction gives high marks for the visuals and production design, while most of the criticism focused on the  relentlessness of the big-scale action and/or unrelenting seriousness of the film's tone.

What concerns me most about MOS at the moment is tone. I will have issues with the film it essentially plays like a Batman film cloaked in a blue suit. Action is good but the best tentpole fare strikes a balance between daring do and character--sacrificing neither at the expense of the other.

Meanwhile, Deadline reported today that Warner Bros is officially fast-tracking the sequel with both Snyder and David S. Goyer returning as director and writer respectively.

Goyer was set for the next one since he had signed a three picture deal that includes "Man of Steel," its sequel, and the "Justice League" movie.

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