Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lunatics For Stanley

Iron Man 2 co-stars Scarlett Johansson and Sam Rockwell will re-team for Lunatic at Large a film based on a story by novelist Jim Thompson says Production Weekly.

Set in mid 50's New York City, the story follows an aggressive ex-carnival worker and the shy but attractive woman he picks up in a bar. Their night soon has some strange elements to it including a spooky mountain lodge, a car chase, and various portents of doom. A nighttime carnival sequence becomes a big set piece.

Thompson crafted a treatment of the film for filmmaker Stanley Kubrick back in the 50's with whom he had worked twice before on "The Killing" and "Paths of Glory"

That treatment wasn't discovered until after Kubrick's death in 1999.

Stephen Clarke wrote the script which expands on that treatment from which Chris Palmer will call the shots.

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