Thursday, April 08, 2010

Put Me In Coach

As soon as Taylor Kitsch wraps on his role as John Carter Of Mars...He's set to star in the strategy game turned action film "Battleship" according to the Heat Vision Blog.

The story follows a massive Naval adventure across the seas, in the skies and over land as the armed forces of our planet fight for survival against an alien water-bound armada.

Kitsch will play a "wildly spirited" Naval commander named Alex Hopper who is much more a sailor than a politician.

Jeremy Renner was previously linked to the role but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts..

Jon and Erich Hoeber penned the script from which Peter Berg’s directing.

Kitsch and Berg work together on the TV show Friday Night Lights

Anytime FNL-ers get work it's a good thing

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