Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cave Hears The Call Of The Crow

Australian musician and acclaimed screenwriter Nick Cave ("The Proposition") will rewrite the script for "The Crow"" reboot says The Wrap.

Director Stephen Norrington ("Blade") had penned the previous draft which switched the action from the deserts of the U.S. south-west to a more urban location.

Producer Ed Pressman has reportedly recruited Cave to rework Norrington’s script before the comic book adaptation goes before the cameras later this year, as the original script wasn’t “terrific” enough!

Whatever Dude! Cave + Crow = Me Likey A Lot!

The news comes shortly after Guillermo Del Toro told the Comic-Con 2010 crowd that Cave will be doing music for a dark stop-motion film based on "Pinocchio" which Gris Grimly ( gotta love that name!) is co-directing.

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