Sunday, February 08, 2009

Worst Week

Christian Bale has apologized for his recent headline-making behavior

The actor told KROQ morning show, "Kevin and Bean" on Friday that he's very sorry for his Terminator Salvation" on-set rant which leaked online a few days ago.

"It's been a miserable week for me. Listen, I know I have a potty mouth; everybody knows this now. The thing that I really want to stress is I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief. I was way out of order. I acted like a punk. I regret that. There is nobody that has heard that tape that's been hit harder by it than me. I make no excuses for it. It is inexcusable. I hope that that is absolutely clear" said Bale.

"I put so much into what I do and care so much about it and sometimes the enthusiasm just goes awry. I'm embarrassed by it. I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and really regretted it immensely."

As far as his thoughts on DP Shane Hurlbut--Bale says "We have resolved this completely...I have no intention of getting anyone fired. There is no problem whatsoever"

When asked about the various audio remixes making fun of the situation:

"Feel free to make fun of me at my expense; I deserve it completely." He even admitted that the radio duo's take on his rant made him laugh.

Bale's complete phone apology can be found over at TMZ.Com.

I'm curious as to who leaked the recording and why...

T4 director McG weighed in on the whole thing during his appearance at the New York Comic Con on Saturday:

"The film set is a passionate place, and it happens. There was no version of, 'Oh, Christian is going to whip his ass.' It was just sort of a blowup...We let it run its course, and it did. You obviously only get to hear the explicit parts..."

Bale's KROQ call makes McG's comments moot but since this is still news he had to say something.

The press tour for T4 should be fun eh? Will reporters bring this back up?

The film opens May 22.

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