Saturday, October 05, 2013

Willem Dafoe Disses Spider-Man Reboot

Back in June actor James Franco revealed that he had seen Marc Webb's film series reboot and wasn't impressed. At the time he said:

"They could've strayed a little bit more from the original. Why [make the movie]? Well, I guess they made a lot of money. Okay, congrats. Good for them."

Franco played Harry Osborn in Sam Raimi's trilogy. Now, Franco's on screen dad EDafoe tells Total Film he hasn't seen the reboot and has no plans to do so:

"I saw a trailer for the first 'Spider-Man' reboot and I thought, 'This is crazy! It's not shot for shot, but it's the same story. I thought, 'This is sort of a cynical approach to making money.' The way Sam Raimi approached it, it was pure in its intentions. I like Spider-Man the first one that I was involved in, because although you can argue all sorts of things, from my perspective it was very pure. It really was. The way Sam Raimi approached it, it was pure in its intentions and I think he captured, particularly, Tobey [Maguire] at that particular moment. This real, genuine innocence; it wasn’t indicated. Then after that it became more difficult because it’s hard to achieve that when it’s gotten some kind of attention and a certain level of success!"

While I cheer over Dafoe's (and Franco's) loyalty to Raimi--Let's face it--when it comes to high profile tentpole films based on superheroes --The bottom line is the dollar sign--and as I recall it was Rami (and the actors) who walked away from doing  Spider-Man 4--all but forcing a restart...

I was totally against the idea of a reboot too until I saw the film. Personally I enjoyed Andrew Garfield in the lead more than Tobey...Don't misunderstand I enjoyed the Raimi era a lot--But Webb got off to a great start with The Amazing Spider-Man. I am psyched for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and as long as the trend continues--The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 4...

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