PGA stays neutral in the strike culture
Despite troubles, guild focuses on core mission At a time when labor troubles have dominated Hollywood, the Producers Guild of America has gone out of its way to stay neutral.
Strike shows fatigue factor
Are scribes making progress in talks?
A tacit deadline is looming for WGA leaders -- within the next week and possibly within the next few days -- to make progress on the key issues in their informal talks with studio brass or run the risk that the CEOs will end the sessions out of frustration.
Strikers may lose benefits
250 WGA members might lose health care
Haggis, Nozik take Hwy61 to UA
Deal allows films to move forward during strike
Two more interim deals, these with Intermedia and the Film Dept.
Another voice from the WGA: "The DGA deal as it stands today is bad."
Stay Tuned...
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