Lawyers for Warner Bros. challenged Fox in a joint report submitted in federal court on Friday as read in The New York Times.
Warners has now come back arguing that Fox "sat silently" as producer Lawrence Gordon took the project "to studio after studio with Fox's express knowledge" and paid the studio a third of a million dollars over the rights to the book as early as 1991.
Warners claims Fox was even offered the opportunity again in 2005 to make the film but "simply rejected it," and they'd gone so far as to grant Warners rights to the title "Watchmen" which they had earlier registered with the Motion Picture Association of America.
Fox claims Gordon did not keep the studio apprised of his plans as required by a 1994 agreement under which he was supposed to deliver a much larger buyout price that has never been paid.
Is Fox crying foul now because they now know they let one hot property slip away--with graphic novels now the rage in Hollywood?
I really hope that the parties can resolve these vissues before the March sixth 2009 debut

The NYT explains in greater detail the nuts and bolts of the suit.
Meanwhile the film's characters appeared on four special covers for the Brazillian magazine Set this week..And here they are...
Fingers Crossed...
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