Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shane Black Talks "Doc Savage" Movie Again

"Iron Man 3" co-writer/director Shane Black is following up with another comic book
 adaptation - 1930s pulp adventure hero Doc Savage.

Black talked about the challenge of doing the film in an interview with IGN:

"Obviously in the books there's an element of 'goody goody' that we like. Doc Savage was the basis essentially for Superman because his name is Clark, he has a fortress of solitude, and 'oh Superman has the same thing, that's odd.' But that kind of perfect hero who never makes mistakes him great to a point and that type of adventure and the pulp it represents has been so imitated. Raiders of the Lost Ark is essentially a child of Doc Savage. But we needed something more. So we kept it in the 30s, we beefed up the sort of rationale behind what it would take to be a perfect person and to be trained as such from childhood and how that would scar someone. And what it would take to be a parent who is capable of inflicting that on your kid. But beyond that we've also tried to be true to the series, give him the helpers and it's also reinvigorating it but introducing a whole new brand of people to this is a challenge. It's been around, it's been 75 years."

One problem is casting a perfect physical specimen type:

"Here's the problem: They kind of gotta be tall. He's the perfect physical specimen and when people look at him, they're overawed by the sort of symmetry and perfection that he exudes. I don't know that you could use like James McAvoy as Doc Savage. You couldn't do it. He's a fine actor, but we need someone big. Back in the day Schwarzenegger was talked about to play Doc Savage. I don't know who we'd get ."

Black is co-writing the script with Anthony Bagarozzi and Chuck Mondry.

Neal Moritz and Ori Marmur are producing the film

There is no production schedule set yet

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