Wednesday, February 04, 2009

2 Roles, One Actor

Exactly what role will Mickey Rourke play in Iron Man 2? As it turns out the casting is not yet locked and the character he plays may in fact be quite different.

Robert Downey Jr. tells MTV News "That’s actually incorrect." when asked if Rourke was playing Crimson Dynamo

Asked if he would play Whiplash (pictured) instead...

Downey says “I can neither confirm nor deny that. Or maybe it’s some semblance of both. Here, I can tell you everything about the story except I won’t give away the ending. The nerd stuff is top-drawer security.”

Downey is busy finishing up "Sherlock Holmes"... USA Today published a new on set photo.....

Personally I think Roarke would make a better Dynamo.

IM2 hits theaters next Summer.

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