Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Blacklisted By Hoover

Oscar-winning writer Dustin Lance Black ("Milk") will next tackle another biopic "Hoover", about the life of J. Edgar Hoover says Pajiba.

The story will follow the career of Hoover from his founding of the FBI in 1935 where he remained as director until his death in 1972. It's expected to be an unflinching look at the man from his success efforts in the gangland wars of the 30's, his paranoid concern about "subversives", his links to the Mafia and Freemasons, rumors of him being gay , and his questionable methods he sanctioned to bring down people and organizations he considered threats.

Black is currently in post-production on the Jennifer Connelly and Ed Harris drama What's Wrong with Virginia" which he wrote and directed.

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