Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Escape Plans

The long gestating remake of John Carpenter’s 1981 cult classic "Escape from New York" has been given a new lease says Vulture Blog.

Knowing that there's a clause in the remake's development contract that the character of Snake Plissken (first played by Kurt Russell) can't be changed from the way he was introduced in the 1981 movie....

Allan Loeb turned in a rewrite that apparently "nailed the humor in [Snake Plissken] without slipping into camp, and he changed Snake’s rescue-mission target from a president to a female senator, thereby upping the banter quotient." .

Another change is in New York City itself. Unlike the crumbling ruins seen in the original which were all that was left after a war, the new Manhattan has remained largely intact but was evacuated and turned into the walled off penal colony after a nuclear dirty bomb was detonated on the city's outskirts.

The obvious benefit here is economics as a ruined city is expensive to produce on screen

This solution,offered by previous scribe David Kajganich, means a more recognisable yet barren and dangerous NYC.

I am still against this remake in general but since it's gonna happen anyway-- Who should be ready to don the eye patch to play Snake?

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