Thursday, February 11, 2010

Robo Woes

David Self, co-writer of Friday's "The Wolfman" movie tells Coming Soon that until MGM gets its finances in order the Darren Aronofsky's long-developing "RoboCop" remake is on hold

"I'm still involved with it and Darren Aronofsky's still involved with it. He's making [Black Swan], but we're waiting for MGM to sort things out since they're a larger corporate and it's a situation where we have to be practical. We're waiting to continue with them, we hope that that happens soon and we can get back to it soon"

"It's definitely not a sequel. It's an origin story, it's an origin to the original Robocop. So, it's basically a 'reboot'."

Another Self script that has made the rounds over the last few years is Deathlok, a half man/half cyborg superhero much like Robocop based on the Marvel comic

The writer says:

"I don't know what's going with that movie honestly. I haven't talked to the producers recently about that. I did a rewrite on it several years ago.... It's been a long while since I worked on it, but I would love to see that. I love that story and I love that character."

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