Monday, May 02, 2011

Bin Laden Films What Should Happen?

Just as the world reacts to the great news that 9/11 Attack mastermind Osama Bin Laden, was killed by U.S. Forces in Pakistan during a firefight yesterday...

Borys Kit of THR asks How Will His Death Impact Kathryn Bigelow's 'Kill Bin Laden' Movie?

Oscar winning director Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal were getting set to prep the $10 Million Dollar action thriller tentatively titled Kill Bin Laden based on a failed Black Ops mission by the US military to capture the terror leader. The film was to have been made before before their higher budgeted Triple Frontier, which has Tom Hanks attached and Johnny Depp rumored to star.

Kit: "The real-world development could impact the project in several possible ways: The movie could stay more or less the same, gaining momentum as Sunday’s events give its subject matter added weight, context and timeliness. Or perhaps the project will do a 180-degree turn, with a new story line and focus. We can't imagine the events surrounding Bin Laden's ultimate killing not being incorporated into the script in some fashion. Or, of course, Bigelow could lose interest in the subject matter altogether, especially given all the other Bin Laden projects that will likely be fast-tracked to capitalize on the intense worldwide interest in this subject. "...

Kit concluded "We hear Bigelow and Boal are digesting the news and will spend the week figuring out their next move. We can be sure that Boal will be using his extensive intelligence connections to get the inside dope on the mission. And if they move forward, the final film will no doubt be authentic and timely."

I for one hope that The Hurt Locker duo will just incorporate these latest events into their film and move forward. Hollywood is quick to capitalize on every other major news event...Why not this one?

Stay Tuned...

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