Monday, February 01, 2010


Director Pierre Morel tells IGN that work on the screenplay for his new upcoming big-budget adaptation of Frank Herbert's sci-fi epic novel Dune will begin this month.

Morel says "We're starting from scratch. Peter had an approach which was not mine at all, and we're starting over again. I don't think we're going to keep any elements of the Peter Berg script. It was good, actually. It was interesting. It was just not our vision. I can't tell you right now [who's writing it with me], it's going to be official next week. The deals are not done."

In relation to David Lynch's previous film adaptation in 1984:

"Everybody now who reads Dune reads it with David Lynch's images in mind. So we have to get away from that. It's not a remake of David Lynch's movie. We're doing a re-reading, a brand new approach on the book, a very true approach to the book, the original material" he says.

He also says he'd love to shoot the film in...of course.. 3-D... the story certainly "has the scope".

He also sees many of the character inner monologues from the book as a challenge- "we'll have to show it on screen and find the right approach to make it visually interesting".

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