Friday, April 12, 2013

"Man Of Steel" Sets Stage For DC Movie Plans

Producer Charles Roven, and. Warner Bros chief Jeff Robinov have explained just how Zack Snyder's big budget reboot Superman: Man of Steel and Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy fit into the studio's plans for DC Entertainment films--like  "Justice League"

Robinov tells EW that MOS is: "Setting the tone for what the movies are going to be like going forward. In that, Man of Steel is definitely a first step. I think you’ll see that, going forward, anything can live in this world. What Zack and Chris have done with this film is allow you to really introduce other characters into the same world."

He adds that Nolan's Batman was "deliberately and smartly positioned as a standalone. The world they lived in was very isolated without any knowledge of other superheroes."

Of course they were stand alone films! Had "Green Lantern" or Superman Returns had better outcomes WB would be singing a different tune

Further down the road Robinov says that Nolan's Bat-films will remain separate: "They do. Or they did. Where we go in the future is a whole other conversation."  He outright denies any rumor that the studio is looking to bring back Nolan and Christian Bale.

As for the fate of other comic book films, Robinov says: "We’ll announce something in the next several weeks that will hopefully position the DC characters and the movies we’re going to be making."

Pretty bold words considering that the JL film has no script

Meantime CHUD reports that a likeness of Pacific Rim star Charlie Hunnam is being used for concept art of The Flash on  the "Justice League" film.

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