*Zombieland co-writer Paul Wernick told MTV News this week:
"We would love it, and everyone involved creatively wants to do another one. Woody came up to us after the final cut of the last scene and gave us a hug and said, 'I've never wanted to do a sequel in the previous movies I've done until this one'."
Wernick and co-screenwriter Rhett Reese said that stars Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone Abigail Breslin and director Ruben Fleischer are open to the idea of doing a follow-up.
Since the idea for the film was originally conceived as a TV series back in 2005 means they have more than enough material to draw upon.
They haven't started work on a 2nd script yet and would not reveal any further deets.
*The Simpsons creator Matt Groening and executive producer Al Jean told Variety don't expect a follow-up to The Simpsons Movie anytime soon.

"It took 18 years to get around to doing the movie. We got very frustrated. We thought it would take two years but it ended up taking four. Some day maybe we'll do another one -- but don't hold your breath" Groening tells the trade...
How about once the show calls it a day?--That's fine but neither Groening or Jean have an idea when the series may end.
*Sam Raimi has confirmed to MTV that things are still in the very early stages on Spider-Man 4 but “We’re hoping that it’s the first week in March,” said Raimi..
Raimi says that Gary Ross is "working on a draft. I just gave him some notes and he's doing a rewrite right now,".
Scott Stokdyk will return as visual effects supervisor, while the various sets are being designed right now.
Finally no further casting beyond Tobey Maguire & Kirsten Dunst has yet to happen.
The sequel is scheduled for a May 5th 2011 release
*The German news publication Extratipp (via Joblo) reports that a Showgirls sequel/spin-off is in the works. called "Showgirls: A Story of Hope"(LOL!)--following the minor character of Penny Hope (Rena Riffel) from the first film.
The storyline has the brother of a stripper coming to Frankfurt to seek revenge on the guys responsible for the contaminated cocaine that killed his stripper sister.The production is said to have a $25 million budget and will shoot on location in Frankfurt under the helm of writer/director Marc Vorlander...
The original pic bombed big time with Paul Verhoeven. calling the shots...I can't imagine "Hope" doing any better...
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