"We're doing a couple of days, and everyone seems to be making a big deal out of it," he says--pointing out that every single Dunes film to date has gone through a similar process. He did not specify what exactly is entailed for the second time around, but says "the fans' input has always been valuable, and suffice to say we listened."
Elm Street arrives in theaters April 30, 2010 with Sam Bayer calling action and Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy
Meanwhile--concerning Friday the 13th: Part 2:
Fuller says that he'd hoped to get the sequel to Friday the 13th underway by now, but that so far there's nothing really to report:
"We're hoping they decide to get us started early next year." He promises, that the script by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift is "great - dare I say better than the first?"
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