Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Marvel Condering A Solo Film For Ruffalo's Hulk?

In the last decade Marvel made three attempts to bring The Hulk to the big screen-2003's "Hulk" with Eric Bana, 2008's "The Incredible Hulk" with Edward Norton, and 2012's "The Avengers" with Mark Ruffalo.

Ruffalo's portrayal was widely hailed audiences and critics alike, while the 2003 film with Bana and helmed by Ang Lee  is often considered the weakest of the three films.

A few months after the release of the superhero team up film, Marvel officially said they had no intention of doing a solo "Hulk" film again--despite Internet chatter. Now though, according to Ruffalo, the suits may have softened their position a bit.

Chatting with Digital Spy Ruffalo was asked about the chances of a stand alone Hulk film starring him as the green guy with anger issues

"I think they [Marvel] are, for the first time, entertaining the idea of it. When we did The Avengers it was basically 'No!', and now there is some consideration for it. But there's still nothing definitive, not even a skeletal version of what it would be. I look forward to going down that road, if we could crack that nut."

Ruffalo will return as Bruce Banner in "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" for writer/director Joss Whedon. Production on the sequel is taking place now to meet a release date of May 1, 2015.

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