Sunday, December 06, 2009

Watching Him Like A Hawke

Following up with Jeremy Renner on the whole Hawkeye/ Avengers chatter that began last week.

Renner tells Superhero Hype:

"I haven't heard anything since I talked to them three weeks ago. The last I knew is that they still have to find their director for 'The Avengers' that's where he's really going to show up. They were just talking, 'Like maybe we should consider maybe hiring Hawkeye now' but there's no director on 'Avengers' so they don't really want to force-feed the director, 'Here's the whole cast.' It's a big role so they didn't want to do that to the director, so I think they might wait. I know they're interested, I'm interested, so we'll see if it works out."

MTV ruminates on Renner as well as other actors who could play the role...

Since there has not been a director on the team up pic for quite some time--I have no problem with Marvel taking charge--but they need to find someone to call action before too long...

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